Full Scholarships for Postgraduate Research
From 1979 to 1989, Prestigious Postgraduate Scholarships tenable at renowned universities in the United Kingdom, namely Oxford University and Cambridge University were awarded to graduates with First Class Honours degrees. These scholarships were based on similar formats as the Queen’s Scholarships and Rhodes Scholarships.
Under the prestigious postgraduate scholarship scheme, 6 engineers returned from UK with Doctorates in engineering, 5 lawyers obtained Master degrees in Law and 1 graduate in English obtained M.Phil in English Literature.
In addition to the above, the Foundation also funded a Medical Post-doctoral Fellowship in Immunology at the Stanford University, USA from 1983 to 1985 as well as a Fellowship in Ophthalmology at the Royal College of Surgeons & Physicians, UK from 1983 to 1984.
The above scholarships for postgraduate studies abroad had been discontinued and replaced by postgraduate research scholarships tenable at local universities. The postgraduate research scholarships were subsequently suspended in 2013 until further notice.